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Autodesk Maya 3D computer animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software Autodesk Maya is a 3D modeling and animation program that can be used for 3D printing, and animated graphics.Maya has continued to push the boundaries when it comes to character creation with updates to modeling, animation, and new interactive grooming workflows.
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Autodesk PowerInspect Make inspecting complex free-form surfaces simple with a wide range of measuring devices Autodesk PowerInspect offers a powerful solution for inspection, validation and quality control for all types of measurement equipment.
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Autodesk VRED Benefits Real-time rendering The render engine integrated in Autodesk VRED Professional is capable of rendering even high volume data in real time.
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Kings SLA 3D Printer
Comprehensive 3D Solutions Bring Your Idea to Reality
SLA 3D printer, aslo known as stereolithography 3D printer, or laser 3D printer. SLA is an abbreviation of 'Stereo Lithography Apparatus', which is and abbreviated form of stereolithography.
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HandyPROBE 3D PORTABLE COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE: HANDYPROBE NEXT The new generation handheld optical coordinate measuring machine (PCMM) Manufacturers and production managers can use portable 3D measurement technologies to enable considerably greater flexibility and efficiency in performing quality control (QC) operations directly on the production floor.
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